Stackable Analytics™ for Voice Networks |
VoIP networks require proactive management to consistently provide a quality caller experience and maintain a secure network in a manner consistent with corporate financial goals. Old voice network methodologies no longer apply. Simply reacting to employee service complaints, waiting for periodic traffic studies, being blind to your capacity requirements and having to rely on telecom providers to tell you how much capacity you need doesn't work. Replace old network management options with new:
Total Caller Experience®For voice networks, Optic offers analytics and alarms to better design and operate your network to increase the certainty that your callers can place and receive calls and have a quality experience. Every link in the call process is critical!
Service Provider Capacity OptimizationNetworks are dynamic. Calibrating network capacity with demand is an on-going challenge. Whether you are managing a TDM network, preparing for or in process of a transition to SIP, or managing a SIP or hybrid network, you need the right metrics and methodology to optimize your network. By overcoming the limitations and complications of the industry’s traditional engineering methodologies, Optic provides a simple, more reliable alternative to improve the service and cost performance of your voice network.
SIMPLIFIED VOICE ADMINISTRATION for Operational EfficacyGetting blindsided by any one of a number of potential network service problems is a real threat. From network design to service provider contract negotiation to operational management, constant challenges exist. You need the right metrics and methodology to optimize your network and operations for day-to-day voice administration. Optic puts the KPIs you need right at your fingertips 24 x 365.
Deploy AND LIcense as You ChooseFirst, pick the Optic package that aligns with your business requirements.
Then, do you prefer to operate the solution on your site? Or, is the option to minimize your upfront investment more attractive? You choose the model that works best for your organization.