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Leveraging Data Analytics for Business Transformation

Jan 5, 2024 | Network Management

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Today’s collaboration networks have come a long way. In the not-too-distant past we managed our voice networks with periodic traffic studies and metrics like Busy Hours and Erlangs. Now we have an explosion of new acronyms (VoIP, SIP, MOS, CCP to name a few) and demands for more answers and analytics, faster and honed to wide variety of business users. It’s not just the network technician that wants or needs analytics for your collaboration network. Your C-suite and operational business managers are demanding visibility too. The business motivations are all different, but employees throughout your organization are expecting you to take those CDR, QoS records and more and convert them into the business intelligence they need to manage their operations – one department or the entire enterprise.

This is the first blog in a series that will dive into how to leverage data analytics for business transformation enablement. Business transformation is all about making fundamental changes in how a business or organization runs. The list of drivers is extensive and could include any of the following or others:

  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Increase revenue
  • Cut costs
  • Increase efficiency & productivity
  • More productivity

The term “business transformation” may be relatively new but the concept is not. History has many examples, such as IBM changing business with mainframes or Henry Ford with advances in automobile manufacturing. So if you expect this blog series to outline some new-fangled business methodology, you will be disappointed. But if instead you seek to understand how to get started on the right path with the decomposition of your voice network data to be smarter and more effective with the data you have to drive business results … well then, you’re in the exact right place.

Business transformation is most likely already being used throughout your enterprise and now CxOs are looking at the telecom department to follow suit. Our leadership’s vision and goals cannot be tied to erlangs and busy hours in 2024. There needs to be KPIs, analytics and objectives that can be identified, understood, measured and monitored from the C-suite to the technician in the field. But what are they? There is not a ‘one size fits all’ answer as clearly analytics and objectives vary to some degree based on enterprise environment, but this blog series will investigate some general concepts and possibilities to consider.

What data and trends should you be looking at? What are the considerations and key metrics for your NOC technicians, network architects, executives, department managers and security team to turn raw data into actionable intelligence to transform and manage their daily operations and achieve strategic goals? How do you align C-suite strategies to team members’ daily tasks? What data analytics can you stack to measure and maximize your transformation progress? Check back soon for the next post to start your journey to learn how data analytics can transform collaboration network management.

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